
GET v2/Groups/{groupId}
Action will get the group and its members

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


POST product/ProductCatalog
Action will Save the product list into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

DELETE product/ProductCatalog?ItemNames[0]={ItemNames[0]}&ItemNames[1]={ItemNames[1]}
Action take a list of Item Names and will Delete the product from FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST product/AutoCalculateShipmentDetails
Action will auto calculate the shipment details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


POST address/addressValidation
Action will allow users to validate address against the address validation tool we already have in our application.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action


Handles request releated to user
POST user/adduser
Action will save or update the user into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST user/updateuser
Action will update the user into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET user/deleteuser?id={id}
Action will delete the user into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET user/getUsers
Action will Get the users from the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


Handles the request releated to token
POST token/getToken
Returns the access token if user credentails are valid


Handles request releated to rates
POST rate/getRates

Deprecated This API will be removed in Dec. of 2023. Please use /rates/getRates/V3 instead.

Return the rates provided by carriers

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

POST rate/getRates/V2

Deprecated This API will be removed in Dec. of 2023. Please use /rates/getRates/V3 instead.

Return the rates provided by carriers

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

POST rate/getRates/V3
Return the rates provided by carriers

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

POST rate/getRates/V4
Return the rates provided by carriers

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

POST rate/RefreshCache

No documentation available.


POST v2/users
Action will save the user into the FreightPOP using SCIM.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET v2/users/{userId}
Action will get the user and return it Scim Schema.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

PUT v2/users/{userId}
Action will update the user into the FreightPOP using SCIM.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

DELETE v2/users/{userId}
Action will InActive the user into the FreightPOP using SCIM.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


Handles the shipment requests
POST shipment/shipWithQuote
Action will make a shipment using provided details. Use this action when you already quoted rates. Pass the QuoteId and RateId with other shipment details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST shipment/shipWithoutQuote

Deprecated This API will be removed in Dec. of 2023. Please use /shipment/shipWithoutQuote/V2 instead.

Action will make a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST shipment/shipWithoutQuote/V2
Action will make a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST shipment/shipWithoutQuote/V3
Action will make a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET shipment/getShipment?id={id}&type={type}
Action will provide the details of a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET shipment/getShipment/V2?id={id}&type={type}
Action will provide the details of a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


Production Url:{id}&type={type}

Sandbox Url:{id}&type={type}
POST shipment/externalShipment
Action will make a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET shipment/getShipment/V3?id={id}&type={type}
Action will provide the details of a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

GET shipment/cancelShipment?id={id}
Action will cancel a shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST shipment/getSavedShipments
Action will provide the details of a saved shipment using provided details.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


Handles request releated to orders
POST order/importOrder

Deprecated This API will be removed in Dec. of 2023. Please use /order/importOrder/v3 instead.

Action will import the orders into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST order/deleteOrder
Action will delete the orders from FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST order/importOrder/v2

Deprecated This API will be removed in Dec. of 2023. Please use /order/importOrder/v3 instead.

Action will import the orders into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST order/importOrder/v3
Action will import the orders into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.

POST order/importOrder/v4
Action will import the orders into the FreightPOP.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.


Production Url:

Sandbox Url:


GET lookup/getCarriers?isUserCarrierOnly={isUserCarrierOnly}
Returns the carriers registered by a company in FreightPOP application

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

GET lookup/getPackages
Returns the Packages registered by a company in FreightPOP application

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

GET lookup/getCompanyAddresses?isDefault={isDefault}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
Returns the Addresses registered by a company in FreightPOP application

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action

GET lookup/getAddressBookRules?companyId={companyId}
Returns the Address Book Rules against a company id

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action


POST cubiscan/inbound?apiKey={apiKey}
Action will save the cubiscan data. Pass the ApiKey with Inbound Data.


Handles the tracking requests
POST Track/UpdateTracking
Action will update tracking status/details inside the system. Pass the Shipment ID and APICompanyID. Error message will be returned if shipment did not found inside system

POST Track/GetTracking
Action will generate tracking details from the system. Error message will be returned if transaction will not found inside system.

Pass HTTP Authorization request header with value "Bearer {token}" to perform this action.
POST Track/GetTrackingReadOnly
Generates tracking details from the system based on the provided tracking request object. If the specified transaction is not found, an error message will be returned.

To perform this action, include the HTTP Authorization request header with the value "Bearer {token}".